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Different image for focused,pressed and normal state in android button

     In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the android button and every state (pressed, focused, and normal) of an image when placed on that button.

1) First create a new project in android studio with more details...

2) Remove the TextView code from activity_main.xml, create a button in your project by using the following code or tools.

android:background="@drawable/btnhome_new" />

android add button in main_activity.xml

     In the above image, you can see an error @drawable/btnhome_new. This is because the program contains the file btnhome_new.xml  on the drawable directory, which is not yet created.

3) Now we are going to create a file btnhome_new.xml on the drawable directory.
   a) Right-click on the drawable directory  => New => Drawable resource file
Create new xml file in android

   b) Now a file is opened btnhome_new.xml just remove all the code from that file and replace with the code given below.

Note : Once we create this file the error(@drawable/btnhome_new) will be removed from activity_main.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/btnblue"
android:state_pressed="true" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/btnrose"
android:state_focused="true" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/btnred" />

Selector added in a xml file in android.jpeg

You can see some errors in this code

 Because btnBlue.jpg, btnRose.jpg, and btnRed.jpg are not in the drawable directory.
  4) Now we are going to create all these files in a drawable directory.

     Copy the images to a drawable directory.

     Paste the copied images to drawable directory.
Paste the copied images to android drawable folder

     A dialog box will ask for confirmation, just press ok.
Paste dialog box in adndroid studio
     Now the images are placed into drawable folder, and you can see that the error has been removed.

Successfully removed the error in android

Note : Image name should not contain capital letters.

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